dear diary part 1
Dear Diary,
These are things I will miss about London, part 1. These feelings have felt particularly pointed in the last week. I have been busier than I have ever been here before and it's hectic but it makes me feel more like part of the inner workings of the city. Besides, it's May, and like I said before, the city is blossoming. All the good bands are in town, all the pre-summer art shows are pulling out all the flash whiz bang, and all the special park happenings are, well, happening.
Here is a partial list:
1. I hadn't heard a musician on the Tube for over a month - where had all the buskers gone? Do they disappear from the tunnels when the sun shines? Apparently so - because on the first day of rain in a while, I saw one - and I had forgotten all about their sort.
2. Walking a lot. This is probably the biggest thing in the world that I'll miss - walking everywhere. Because I love walking in the city, even if it's on a rainy Saturday afternoon near the financial district and nobody else is out and it's eerie. I like it. Somebody asked me, 'What do you do in London?' He expected the answer, 'I'm studying here for a term' but because the question was so odd I said, 'I walk around a lot.' He looked confused.
3. Reading the Metro over people's shoulders on the Tube because I never leave early enough to get one. I like it when people are reading the METROGOSS section, the clever title for the Metro's Gossip page.
4. White, balding, rather unattractive, slightly pudgy men intensely reading the sporting section on the Tube. Every single word including the tables and stats.
5. The visual of the rise of Arsenal jerseys worn about London on game day.
6. People talking about football everywhere you go.
7. Hearing people talk in different languages everytime you take the Tube.
8. People being ridiculously jolly on warm, sunny days.
9. London dogs + Hyde Park, Hampstead Heath, or any large green area.
10. La vie.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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