
Today was probably the sweetest ever. I caught the train and made it to Victoria Station within 40minutes (a feat, I tell you, a feat!) in time to watch little Billy Elliot dance. Unfortunately, tickets to watch Billy dance were sold out and so we (me, my Auntie & Unclie) hopped a train over to Leicester Square and got tickets to 'Blood Brothers.' Yes, I did see it a few weeks ago, but I felt quite priveleged accompanying these two dear people to a musical I think most highly of that neither had seen. Unclie gave it a standing ovation. We proceeded to Piccadilly for some wine accompanied by dinner (for me, anyway) and then Auntie & I (or rather, mostly me) had this OUTRAGEOUS idea to go to a pub and then wait by the stage door for HotJesus (TM). We went to see 'Whistle Down the Wind' on Wednesday and were very disappointed when Fat, Pasty, Kevin JamesxPaul Giamatti Jesus showed up instead for the matinee. Instead, we did better, my Auntie being the amazing lucky miracle worker that she is: we hit the Palace Theater just at interval time and several people were smoking and drinking outside. Well, heck, and we went in. A girl asked for our tickets and my Aunt feigned ignorance (like she does so well!) and the girl let us in on the basis that we were good, honest people who just wanted to watch the rest of our musical and were a bit too daft to remember our tickets when we went outside (oh, I feel bad.) So, we scoured out some seats on the ground floor (7th row) and sat down to enjoy the HotJesus (TM) feast. Ahh, and there he was, letting himself down from the rafters by sheer arm muscle strength alone. We got some more wine and joined in the laughter from the gay couples in front and next to us (how I love them!) and ignored the scowls from the all-knowing boring looking never-have-sex-anymore couple behind us. So, leaving the theatre, that brings us to Figure 1.
Figure 1: The show's groupies. There weren't many of them. There were three. Me, my auntie, and this weird guy who was waiting "to see if any famous people came out." Well, we said, there's HotJesus (TM) and Fat Pasty Jesus and not much more. He left soon after we took this picture. Going on half an hour of waiting (thank goodness it was decently nice out) we just decided to walk into the stage doors and have a chat with the guard there. My auntie asked him if Jesus had left yet and he said he didn't think so. Then he even rang somewhere to ask if "Tim" had left. "Oh, no, he's just in the shower," he said. We were excited and continued to chat with the old guard.
Went outside, had a smoke with my auntie. (You're too young, she said! even though it was her idea.) And soon enough, HotJesus pokes his head out the door and motions us in. Oh, Hot Jesus, I said, please let me have your babies. No, instead, he gave me two European kisses (I can still feel the Jesus Stubble) and chatted with us, a very, like the guard said, "nice bloke." He told me to behave in Amsterdam and told me he was from Australia. And then I took a Kristina is Delirious and Drunk picture with Hot Jesus. And I will cherish it forever. I am in love.

(god, i am so lame.) the end.
p.s. Tomorrow I am going to Amsterdam for a three-week trek around Europe and then back to London for a few days before I head off to Japan. I will tell you the most sparing of details (probably just a sad little general summary) when I get back.
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