londontown in bloom.

London is blossoming all over. The parks are now beautiful to walk through - trees are blossoming left and right and I'm gleeful about the giant tulips that have suddenly appeared out of nowhere. London has changed in the month that I've been gone and I'm glad I can recognize it. There are new ads on the Underground, new paint jobs, new exhibitions at museums, and at least one of the hairdressers on New Cross Road has gone out of business/disappeared, and one has turned into a small grocery store. Now my days are to be filled with lounging on the grass with a book and some writing project (hopefully.) That's the romantic idea. We'll see what happens. I'm not notoriously lazy, but I am lazy.
Last night Arsenal beat Villareal to make it to the finals in the UEFA Champions League. (This is footie, folks.) I didn't watch the game (instead Ben-G and I went to watch 'American Dreamz') but on the tube ride home, I saw, in particular, this one ecstatic couple. I'm not much for PDA, or even seeing couples in public. Any couple in public pretty much makes me a little bit less happy inside (I can't explain it), but these two kids were quite wonderful. They were both holding printed-before-the-result-of-the-match t-shirts that had the Arsenal logo and 'CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL 2006' written on them right up against their bodies. The girl had it draped over her torso and the guy was holding it tightly on his lap. They were grinning randomly, muttering 'I can't believe they're in the final' and my favorite, they were so happy that they would randomly face each other and sort of bang their heads together for random sloppy kisses. And I think, if you should kiss in public for any reason, it should be because of a sports team. Because any other reason, we don't really want to know about.
(Europe and Japan shots linked in two new albums at the bottom...)
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