on summer allergies.

Three weeks until departure and it has officially hit summer here. Instead of warm days where everybody is running for a spot in the sun, for every last ray their bodies can soak up, people are instead heading towards the shady bits, because it's finally 80 degrees in London. Although I just made a pact to not stay in New Cross for another whole day, my body is finding it somewhat difficult. Today Emma at the gallery and I commiserated about the heat's effect on our bodies, basically preventing them from moving at all without groaning in protest. Every winter all memories of melting under the sun are wiped clean from our brains - instead we are just picturing ourselves lounging in the sunshine with brown skin and permanent smiles.
Instead it's hot in London and I don my skirt and tank and although it is hot it is also unluckily windy and because it's the second day this year that I've worn a skirt, I've forgotten the etiquette of skirts, we'll call it the Downside of Skirts and they are these:
1. Glancing down and realizing your sunless legs glow.
2. This skirt happens to be too big and you've stuck a safety pin in it but it keeps popping out and inserting itself into your skin and unless you want to show your underpants to everybody, you've got to get that safety pin back in place, usually piercing your fingers in the process.
3. Sitting down. You have to make sure you tuck your skirt nicely right under your butt as you sit down or else you get awkard skin-on-surface contact.
4. Pocketless. Most skirts are pocketless. This is inconvenient for carrying Oyster travelcards, depositing change until you have time to put it in your panda coin purse, and putting half-used kleenexes.
5. The wind is the skirts worst enemy. I flashed people about four different times. It's not my fault.
Conclusion: I hate this skirt. I am never wearing it again. On a windy day. I had no idea this particular skirt had such an issue with wind.
On Wednesday night a bunch of people were hooking up at the second-to-last Club Sandwich. Today in London everybody was making out. I don't know about you, but I find people really attractive, and I feel really attractive, especially, when it is allergy season and my nose and eyes are running constantly.
So last night I finished my 22-page essay and today I am having a real big issue with writing,

A LOT is messing with my brain. I have no coherent thoughts, and my mind is like a slowly dying fluorescent light (like the one above my desk here) flickering helpessly and madly. It's like a slowly dying circuit board with lights flashing randomly and not in a pattern. Lights will guide you home.
Tomorrow I crash on Ben's floor so I can get his key from him when he and his friend take off for Edinburgh. I can't believe it's time to pack up this room..
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